~Mulder, Season 2, Episode 1, " Little Green Men" ~

They closed our eyes, our voices have been silenced, our ears now deaf to the realms of extreme possibilities." I wanted to believe, but the tools had been taken away. Less than one year later, first term Nevada senator Richard Bryan successfully championed an amendment which terminated the project. On October 12th 1992, NASA initiated the high resolution microwave survey - a decade long search by radio telescopes scanning 10 million frequencies for any transmission by extraterrestrial intelligence. Within that time, there were no further messages sent, nor are any planned. Thirteen years after its launch, Voyager I passed the orbital plane of Neptune, and essentially left our solar system. A gold-plated record depicting images, music, and sounds of our planet, arranged so that it may be understood if ever intercepted by a technologically mature extraterrestrial civilization.

On August 20th and September 5th 1977, two spacecraft were launched from the Kennedy Space Flight Center, Florida they were called Voyager. So, since I have them all written down, I figured why not share them with all the other X-Philes out there. I'm a huge fan, an "X-Phile" if you will, and discovered that there isn't one place you can go to see all of the monologues. For those of you who have been looking for the monologues from the show all in one place, here they are.