
Fall fall fall fall into the walls
Fall fall fall fall into the walls

fall fall fall fall into the walls

This is one of the problems that many people have with the Bible. The Bible tells us that God ordered the killing of men and women, young and old. Very informative article, and key to understanding the Bible. It is through the prostituted mind that these things are realized, and so the prostitute, Rahab, is saved, along with her immediate family (which for now, I will just say are beliefs that we ourselves give preference) but the other residents within the city have to be destroyed.Ī very good article that goes into detail about the prostitution of the soul is in the Nag Hammadi Library called the Exegesis on the Soul. Notice that Rahab lives “on the wall.” This is the same as a saying we use today called, “on the fence.” The mind is very unsure about moving forward, but must make a decision. With the city also possibly being the oldest continually occupied city in the world, it represents a place of comfort and security, but if the soul becomes content and afraid to move on towards the heavenly Israel, the kingdom within is impossible to reach. The Greek word for sin means to “miss the mark,” like an archer missing a target. The end result is a suppression of divine living and growth of the soul, which is really a grievous sin. Jesus told us that the kingdom is within, and Paul tells us that prostitutes and adulterers cannot enter into the kingdom of God. The self is also guilty because it has believed in the prostituted mind, making the self a false self and an adulterer. Some of the gnostic scriptures go into detail about the prostitution of the mind. For those with ears, Mary Magdalene is the New Testament’s version of the prostituted soul. Rahab represents the mind that has prostituted herself out to these things. It is impossible to enter into the peace and light of the kingdom as long as we carry these burdens that lock us in.

fall fall fall fall into the walls

The soul can find itself in a deadly place, unable to make progress to the “promised land” if we do not tear down the walls and never build them back again. All of these things keep us locked away within “stone walls” that are very difficult to escape from. The stones represent fears, doubt, superstitions, false beliefs, insecurities, etc. For the purposes of this article, we must understand that the city represents the current state of our soul. In my article entitled The Spiritual and Esoteric Meaning of Rocks and Stones in the Bible, I explain what stones represent in the Bible. One of the questions we should be asking is, “How did the writers of the Old Testament know these facts well over 2,000 years ago?” Obviously, the Bible writers had secret knowledge, much like the Pharaohs who built the pyramids, and they are trying to give us lessons by which to live by.Ĭonsider that a city built on the lowest point of elevation on the planet symbolizes a very low point for the self and the mind. Another little known fact according to Wikipedia is that the city may be the oldest continuously occupied city in the world. Since the city of Jericho is near the dead sea, it resides at a lower point of elevation than any other city in the world.

fall fall fall fall into the walls

Just as the waters of the Jordan river empty into the dead sea where no life lives (and is also the lowest point of elevation on planet earth) in order to symbolize the washing of sin from the soul (and also much more), the city of Jericho has a similar history. But scripture is “inspired of God,” and the stories hide what is meant for the spiritually minded man (1st Corinthians 2:14). If something is a fact…it is a fact, no matter whether God said it or not. As a friend of mine reiterates on his website called Decoding the Scriptures, “All scripture is inspired of God…” A history book contains no “inspired” writings. Many “experts” believe that the evidence shows that the city of Jericho was destroyed quickly and the residents were forced to leave in a hurry.īut, we have to understand that the Bible isn’t a history book, and these “stories” are meant to give us an idea of where we are in our life spiritually, and what we need to do to “move forward to the promised land.” Here, we will look at some other little known facts about the city of Jericho, and evaluate what we are supposed to understand through this inspired work of God. I was reading an article the other day about how the walls of Jericho came falling down under the leadership of Joshua, and some archeological discoveries show us that the city of Jericho actually existed at the time the Biblical account was written.

Fall fall fall fall into the walls